How misinterpretation and lack of professional knowledge led to a woman barely getting her life together.
You are talking to a person and he or she completely misunderstands you.
Or: You tell something and your listener interprets your statements in such a way that the real meaning of your story suddenly no longer fits. This creates misunderstandings that can have unpleasant consequences.
What applies to everyday communication is all the more valid when it comes to so-called 'channeling'. In the best case the 'transmitted' statements are simply nonsensical and to be smiled at.
But some misinterpretations and misreadings can have fatal consequences.
But what is 'channeling' actually?
In channelling, a person - often called 'medium' - receives information from a 'spiritual' or metaphysical 'world'.
Everything that has ever existed is present somewhere on a metaphysical level as information particles. Similar to a gigantic Internet.
Who can operate a computer and has a corresponding access to the Internet, can call up there so all imaginable information.
In principle, every human being has the ability to call up information of this metaphysical level. It is innate to us humans. However, this innate ability is not equally developed in all people. Intuition, by the way, is based on a similar principle.
Not all who believe they are receiving information from a 'spiritual world' are actually doing so. Some simply want to earn 'good' money with imagined abilities, others again are simply subject to their own belief - and receive their own 'thinking'.
But there are also very good and very talented people who have really mastered their skills and whose abilities and help can be life-changing.
Channeling and the most common mistake
Attention trap: Receiving and interpreting of information
To understand how the receiving and decoding of metaphysical information works and how high the risk of misinterpretation is, we would like to illustrate with the example of a wine tasting.
Anyone who has ever participated in a wine tasting knows that certain olfactory attributes are assigned to the wines. One wine smells like blackberry and cypress, another smells like vanilla and cherry. But it is clear to all of us: there is neither cherry nor vanilla in the wine. It just smells like ...
When we smell the wine, the information (stimuli) received through our nose is translated in our brain and compared with what we already know. As a result, we then receive, for example: "smells like vanilla".
If you have never experienced the smell of a cypress tree, you will never get the result 'cypress tree' from your brain. But only an approximation/comparable, like for example: Wood.
It is true that cypress is wood, but oak, pine, cedar, etc. are also wood.
If the brain has learned the smell of an oak and has now stored this as a reference, then the following can happen:
We smell wine, the brain recognizes the smell of wood and finds as stored information: oak. And now it presents oak as the result. We believe or are convinced to smell oak. But: an oak is not a cypress - these are two completely different trees with different characteristics.
In a wine tasting, these interpretation or classification errors, which are quite normal for laypeople, fortunately do not result in any major consequences.
But it is different when it is about
to reproduce received metaphysical information.
Because exactly this interpretation or translation problem is subject by nature, pretty much all sensitive or 'medially' predisposed people (receivers) - whereby most are hardly aware of this interpretation trap at all.
Just as with the smells of wine, which are translated by the brain, all received information must also be translated and assigned into a language we can understand. This language is usually images and words.
In this 'decoding' process, one's education, cultural background, but most importantly, the receiver's own beliefs, play an insanely important role. For example, if three recipients coming from different cultural backgrounds were to communicate with the same source, it might show up as an image of the Virgin Mary for a Christian recipient of information, while something else would show up for other cultures - even though it is one and the same source.
When reproducing received 'messages', the receiver's own beliefs and interpretations are now the main source of error for misrepresenting ...
… and it requires a high degree of experience and knowledge not to reproduce the received information 1:1 now, but to be able to grasp and understand what it is actually about.
We would like to make this important principle a little more understandable by means of two real examples.
Avoid jumping to conclusions
Example 1: "Blood on hands"
In the case of a girl who has been missing for a long time - and whose circumstances of disappearance remain unclear to this day - the sister of the missing girl, among others, was considered a suspect. Since Myriam Perosa has the appropriate skills and knowledge, she used various photos to gain access to the metaphysical systems (i.e. the information stored there) of the missing girl and some of the suspects in order to retrieve the dynamics and connections.
She received the image of the sister standing there with her hands covered in blood.
Here it would be easy - but a big mistake - to draw hasty conclusions based on interpretation. So Myriam, whose mother tongue is Italian, continued to examine the dynamics of the case. Suddenly she received an image of an event that chronologically must have taken place at a later time. That is, only after the sisters had seen each other for the last time.
In this picture, the missing girl was interacting with schoolmates. (Due to the seriousness of the case, we do not want to go into further details at this point).
But if the suspected sister apparently has nothing to do with the disappearance, what was the picture of the bloodied hands all about?
In Italian there is a saying: 'Avere le mani sporche di sangue'.
Translated it means: To have blood on our hands. In other words, to bear a share of the guilt.
The sister probably feels or felt guilty - although she has nothing to do with the disappearance.
This guilt weighs enormously on her shoulders - perhaps because she could have done something, which she did not do? (But that would be interpretation now).
This feeling of guilt was/is present in the sister so strongly that Myriam could receive it and it was presented by her brain translated as a symbol. But it was only a symbol!
Fact is: some weeks later we read in the news that a witness has appeared who has seen the disappeared girl together with classmates. A meeting that took place after the sister last saw the (still) missing girl.
Now, very few sensitive receivers deal with complex unresolved missing persons cases. But the example illustrates quite well how much knowledge and understanding is needed to avoid falling into the interpretation trap or to falsify the received messages during the decoding process due to one's own convictions.
Myriam and I investigated the case of the missing girl merely out of personal interest, without involving other people. Thus, even in the case of a misanalysis/interpretation, no harm would have been done.
The following example of a client who went to a 'medium' to get in touch with her deceased mother is different. With fatal consequences.
Myriam Perosa - A Human Diagnostic Device
As seen on.

Channelling: Fatal consequences due to lack of knowledge
Example 2: "Your deceased mother is sad".
Johanna (name has been changed by us) was in her mid-40s when she heard about a 'medium' on the Internet who could contact deceased people. Since Johanna was still suffering from the death of her mother, she went to the 'medium' in order to be able to interact with her mother.
During the session, the 'medium' relayed the following message from the mother, sensuously:
"Your mother worries about you and is sad because you haven't found a man yet."
This one sentence turned Johanna's life completely upside down.
She thought to herself: It's my fault that my mother can't find peace.
Although she herself was satisfied with her life, she began to search intensively for a man. However, even after a long search, no suitable man was found. At some point, the pressure on Johanna became unbearable.
Channeling: Suffering generated by ignorance
While we were working with Johanna, we explained to Johanna why the statement of the 'medium' could not be true at all. A very simple and logical principle:
As a reminder again the statement that the 'medium' received:
"Your mother is worried about you and is sad because you haven't found a man yet."
The statement refers as concrete to a being worried that takes place AFTER the passing away.
Principle 1:
The metaphysical part, from which our matter emerges and with which we are in constant connection and exchange, has consciousness (!!), but cannot feel emotions. To be able to perceive emotions and feelings, it needs a physical body (matter). Just like a music file needs speakers to be heard. On a metaphysical level quiet everything is only information - and information as such is neutral. The valuation of information comes into being only by our emotions and feelings - and our brain. Since the mother was already deceased at that time and has no more matter body, she was also impossible to feel a sadness.
But why can't the mother care for her daughter after her passing away? This leads us to the second principle.
Principle 2:
Worrying is a mental process! And to be able to carry out mental processes (consciously or unconsciously) it needs a brain. Brain is matter, however. And after the death our metaphysical part separates from the matter.
Therefore, the statement made is impossible to be true.
This does not mean that the 'medium' just made anything up. Since the 'medium' is known to us, we know that he has receiver abilities.
So it is more likely that he simply misinterpreted the received information. Which information the 'medium' has received now exactly, we do not know.
Channeling Backgrounds:
However, the following scenario is - in our experience - likely and very common among sensitive people:
In the so-called 'channeling' a connection to another metaphysical 'system' is established. In this case the 'system' of which the deceased mother is part. In this kind of channeling, however, the connection was established only to single particles of information - especially for specific questions.
The 'medium', so to speak, thus caught a particle, which indeed contained information about the concern for the daughter and her partner situation. And since the mother was sad still during her lifetime that the daughter did not come "into firm hands", this information - sadness - was also in the particle.
In a channeling a 'channel' between 'medium' and 'target system' or 'target information' is established, so that the 'medium' receives the corresponding information.
The 'system' of the medium now reacts to the received information as if it were its own.
To put it figuratively, let's imagine that we - as humans - are a gigantic company with an insane number of employees. Now someone comes from the outside (in this case, the information of the deceased mother) and secretly gives work instructions to our employees. So the sadness of the 'medium' is jumped on because of the received information.
The Result:
Past information coded with sadness from a deceased mother, due to a misinterpretation and lack of knowledge of the subject, led to a woman barely getting her life together.
Recalling information is a very helpful process. For example, when it comes to finding your own path, uncovering inconspicuous reasons for repetitive life situations, or finding out - and resolving - the true causes behind physical symptoms. You can get real benefit from it. Be aware, however, that what you receive, the messages, can be distorted by misinterpretations and by the personal thought patterns/beliefs of the 'receiver'.
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